While They Are Still Here

I was recently interviewed by a local newspaper and privileged to share stories and pictures about America’s matriarchs and patriarchs. Shortly after the article’s publishing I was pleasantly surprised by the number of calls that came directly from World War II veterans or from their children.

World War II Personal Stories

As expected the personal stories that the callers related were fantastic. I was intrigued by the energy and sincerity each conveyed during their recollections. One veteran noted he had been wounded eight times!

The enormity of the opportunity made me realize that I am a small player in a major undertaking because I can’t capture everyone’s story though I would like to. So to the relatives of these special group of people we must take on this effort collectively. I challenge you to make sure your loved ones’ accounts are preserved. Start with an audio or video recorder and an attentive ear. For samples of World War II audio archives that I have created, click here.

We must do it while they are still here.