The Few, The Proud

I was recently excited to discover the planned ceremony to recognize a distinct wing of the U.S. Marine Corps. The Montford Point Marines were segregated from their peers during the World War II era. The aforementioned group trained separately from their white counterparts at Montford Point Camp. While there the hearty band underwent tough training in preparation to be deemed Marine worthy.
While deployed abroad in the Pacific they were mainly relegated to noncombat tasks. However, Iwo Jima thrusted nearly every Marine into harm’s way. When the fighting came the Montford Pointers performed as all Marines did – heroically.
I’ve been privileged to have met and befriended one of these special veterans. For the past three years Jonas Bender and I have exchanged stories through casual conversation and e – mail. Still savvy and going strong at 85 you can find him on the speaking trail or gathering information for other veterans.
Soon Bender and his cohorts will be duly awarded the coveted Congressional Gold Medal for their efforts to help render our country dictator free.
So from a younger Army soldier to an old Marine friend I simply say “Semper Fidelis”.